An excellent idea for Valentine’s Day, Porter Foods, bring you Rosella Wild Hibiscus Flowers in syrup. These little blooms look great in the glass, with the bubbles from your Champagne or other sparkling white wine rising gently from them, making your drink just that little bit more special as well as giving it a hint of sweetness from the syrup. And it couldn’t be easier, you simply place a whole Rosella flower in a Champagne flute, pour a little of the Crimson syrup from the jar over the top, then fill with your bubbles of choice – et viola!

After a short while the crown shaped flower is gently lifted by the bubbles until it sits pretty just below the surface of the drink, it’s a novel way to decorate a drink for your loved one this Valentine’s day or any time. After quaffing the Champagne you can eat the flowers, which we understand have a high Vitamin C content and are good in anti-oxidants too. Although the flowers are best served as a garnish in Champagne or good sparkling white wine, they could be used in other ways, as a garnish for a dessert for example.

A jar of 11 flowers costs has a RRP of £7.42 and is available to purchase at a number of deli’s and good food stores as well as online at or from Amazon.

Why not present your loved one with a drink that’s a little different this year?