Putting Welsh food on the map.
Back to (Sushi) School
If your only experience of sushi is a supermarket selection box, your miso-ing out says Catherine, as she takes a lesson at sushi school.
Launch of the Farmacy Kitchen Cook Book
Mike gets’woke’ among the Notting Hill set.
Sun, sea and sustainability in Ibiza
Known for its club culture, there’s also a different beat in Ibiza, one that’s all about sustainability, Zero Kilometre sourcing and the rise of the female chef.
Lisboa Jardim Terrace
A corner of Portugal comes to London and Mike drinks and eats it.
Slice of the action – The Microplane Gourmet Slicer Reviewed
A kitchen mandolin is a slicer. When you want multiple slices of a vegetable of all the same thickness, a mandolin is the answer. Perfect for slicing just about any vegetable.
With it being National Vegetarian week and all … why not go and have a look at what the vegans are doing at VegFest?
Vegan Nights
What happens when vegans come out at night?
The Peroni Ambra Roof Terrace at Selfridges Checked Out
Mike swills lager cocktails on the roof of a shop
An Evening of Meat
If you think that eating a fine dining meal with a woman’s backside firmly planted a few inches from your face is an awkward experience, well, yes it is.